C-Tank® provides industrial cleaning services and bio-disinfection solutions onboard offshore installations. Recognising the challenges of working in confined environments while preventing contamination of Covid-19, C-Tank® is publishing their crew safety best practices observed from the 78 successful offshore disinfections along the Brazilian coast.
- Supply the crew with information pamphlets with prevention guidelines during briefing.
- Encouraging crew to maintain social distance in cafeterias, living quarters and, work stations.
- Mandatory continuous use of masks.
- Installing alcohol gel dispensers strategically throughout the vessel in operation.
- Disinfecting phones and radios before and after use.
- Disinfecting workstations before a shift change.
- Daily reminders to entire crew of best practice guidelines.
- Practice staggered lunch hours to avoid crowds in the cafeteria.
- Frequent cleaning and disinfection of high risk of contamination points, such as: door handles, push buttons, stair railing, refrigerator doors, etc.